Monday, May 26, 2014

The Semi-Implicit Euler's Method

As noted earlier, the solution of ODE’s using implicit methods (such as the Backward Euler’s method) requires an iterative procedure at each time step. Let’s take a second look at the Backward Euler’s method:
 New Picture

 Atkinson et al (Atkinson, Han & Stewart, Numerical Solution of ODE’s) recommend a two-step approach to solving the above equation in order to avoid iterations. The two-step process can be summarized as follows:
 New Picture (1)

 New Picture (2)

Atkinson et al also indicate that by solving it as a two-step process, the method is no longer absolutely stable. That is, while the original Backward-Euler’s method would converge at a solution for any step size, the two-step process would not.

Methods that are used to solve for implicit formulations without an iterative process are termed as “Semi-Implicit” methods. The computational effort for iterations at each time step is avoided in the semi-implicit method, while at the same time “reasonable” stability can be guaranteed. Press et al (Press, Teukolsky, Vetterling & Flannery, Numerical Recipes, The Art of Scientific Computing) state “It is not guaranteed to be stable, but it usually is…”.


  1. […] simple ODE’s that have just one equation, the above semi-implicit form can be easily solved by dividing the equation with the term in the square brackets, and then […]

  2. […] order equations, or series of ODEs are more easily solved using the Semi-Implicit Method if represented as a matrix form. […]
