Thursday, June 12, 2014

Wolfbrandt’s Rosenbrock method

A 2-stage Rosenbrock formulation was presented by Steihaug & Wolfbrandt (An attempt to avoid exact Jacobian and non-linear equations in the numerical solution of stiff DE’s, Mathematics of Computation, Vol. 33, No. 146, 1979, pp 521-534). In their famous paper, Shampine & Reichelt (The Matlab ODE Suite, SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing, Vol. 18, Issue 1, 1997) also introduce this “delightfully simple” 2-stage method, and refer to them as the W-formulas.

The two-step formulation is represented as follows:
 New Picture
New Picture (1)
New Picture (2)

 The constant
New Picture (3) .

The matrix A is the same as the one defined earlier. The step-by-step process (which is similar to the generalized RK methods) can be summarized thusly:

1)      Frame the matrix A
2)      Create the LU-decomposed form of matrix A
3)      Use LU-back substitution with f(yn) to calculate k1
4)      Perform the matrix multiplication J*k1
5)      Calculate k2
6)      Calculate y(n+1)

As the order of the matrices increases, the computational effort for the matrix multiplication may have an impact on the computational time. Reformulation of the above method to avoid the matrix multiplication is a common technique.


  1. […] W-method as presented by Steihaug & Wolfbrandt involves the matrix multiplication of the Jacobian with […]

  2. […] step control and error estimation for the W-method can be implemented using a 3rd order estimate for the local truncation error, as presented by […]

  3. […] & Reichelt (The Matlab ODE Suite) point out that the W-formulas can go “badly wrong when solving problems with solutions that exhibit very sharp changes”, […]

  4. […] formulation of the W-method, in its as-presented form, can be used only with equations that do not incorporate the dependent […]
