Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Generalized Runge Kutta Formulation

For RK methods of order 4 and higher, the inter-stage vectors (k’s) can be represented using the following formulation (Atkinson et al, Numerical Solution of ODE’s):

 New Picture   

The solution at t(n+1) is given by

 New Picture (1)

J.C. Butcher (Numerical Methods for ODE’s, 2nd Edition) invented the “Butcher tableau” methodology of representing the coefficients a(i,j), b(j) and c(j) for the Runge Kutta methods. The general format of such a tableau is

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 The Butcher tableau for the most popular RK4 method thus becomes:

                                                                                                           New Picture (3)

The use of the Butcher tableau, along with the generalized formulation from Atkinson, provides an easy methodology for numerical integration of ODEs.


  1. […] the table below (ref: Hairer, Nørsett & Wanner, Solving ODEs, Vol. 1, Non-stiff problems). The generalized formulation can once again be used to solve the initial value […]

  2. […] Generalized RK formulation can then be used to solve a set of […]

  3. […] calculations for ki’s and y(n+1) remain the same from the Generalized RK procedure. The error estimation equation is defined […]

  4. […] estimation (and control) is performed by using two separate calculations with coefficients from the Butcher table as described in the Merson’s method. Having calculated y(n+1) and […]

  5. […] generalized RK method can then be used with the Kaps-Rentrop algorithm for adaptive step size to solve […]

  6. […] again, the generalized RK methodology can be used quite easily with the above table for the Verner’s method. The error […]

  7. […] above representation tends to look more like the generalized RK methods, with the obvious exception of the ‘A’ matrix and the […]

  8. […] matrix A is the same as the one defined earlier. The step-by-step process (which is similar to the generalized RK methods) can be summarized […]

  9. […] to the dependent variables (ref: Shampine & Reichelt, The Matlab ODE Suite). Much like the Generalized Runge Kutta methods, the Rosenbrock methods are also explicit single-step formulations that require an […]

  10. […] Jacobians for more exact solutions, is the higher order Rosenbrock method worth the effort. The explicit RK method is potentially a much easier algorithm to implement. But does it fare as well as the Rosenbrock […]
