Thursday, May 29, 2014

A Note on Jacobians

The matrix representation for the Backward Euler solution introduced a partial derivative term in the integration algorithm. These partial derivatives are otherwise referred to as Jacobians.

How does a partial derivative differ from its “impartial” counterpart? A partial derivative is one in which the dependent variable is differentiated with respect to only one of the other variables. Partial derivatives bring in the concept of dimensionality in a real world problem. Heat transfer problems in Mechanical Engineering are a good intuitive example.

Mathematically, let us assume a function

New Picture

Here, y is a function of x and y. A normal derivative is usually with respect to x (assuming x is the independent variable), while the partial derivative is with respect to y. In the above case, the partial derivative, or the Jacobian of f with respect to y is

New Picture (1)

The Jacobian of a function that has multiple dependent variables is thus a matrix of partial derivatives. For example, if f is a function defined by

New Picture (2)

then the partial derivatives are

New Picture (3)

Following the above logic, the Jacobian matrix for a series of ODE’s can be represented as follows:

New Picture (4)


  1. […] inversion can be performed by using the LU-decomposition followed by the LU-back substitution. The Jacobians can be either defined analytically or computed numerically. The analytical definitions are […]

  2. […] use of Jacobians allows for a step-wise formulation of the implicit RK methods as indicated earlier. A natural […]
